Adding the app

Go to the and search for The Labz OAuth application and The Labz VC application, enable app permissions, and click “Visit Site to Add”

Using the app

  1. Login/Create account on our website

  2. Click create the new experience and add name to it

Zoom API Scope Usage

We only use Zoom API to authorize you with Zoom app and get your ZAK Token (Zoom Access Key), because it is necessary for meeting creation.

Removing the app

To remove your Zoom application, you have to click the toggle button in the Zoom app on the marketplace and click disable.

3. Create new space and add name to it, and go to this space

4. Drag Zoom component to your editor, it should look like this:

5. Click on the component and click button Authorize With Zoom

6. After authorization, click on the component and add proper information in the settings, then click create Zoom.

7. Click publish

8. After this click The Live view button.

9. Pass your username, and click join

10. Now you can use Zoom in The Labz application!

Using Zoom video conference in the labz application